About Apple SSD:
Apple computers come with a special ssd drive called PCIe. This drive is Apple proprietary drive. Only Apple makes these drives. These are not M.2 drives. M.2 drives were introduced after Apple ssd drives came in the market. These drives are high speed drives. They came with 1.0, 2.0. 3.0 speed. They are the fastest drives in the market at the moment. Because only Apple makes them, they have control on price and are pricy compare to regular 2.5 inch ssd drives.
In 2016 and 2017, Apple introduced M.2 type ssd drives in some of their MacBook Pro laptops. Later they came with a new idea. They now integrated ssd into the logic board. A lot of their MacBooks now don’t come with removable ssd drives. This means if user has to upgrade the drive capacity, only logic board replacement is the option. These drives are only available at Apple store but they don’t sell them to public. All the drives outside Apple are used drives. Some third party is making drives that can be used with Apple computers but they have some limitations. They use some software to make it compatible with a specific OSX.
These Apple drives are very well built. They are mostly water proof. They look like another small logic board. They have memory chips and controller in addition to many small components on the board. These drives can also fail. Data recovery from these drives is possible with the help of proper technology and knowledge.
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